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How To Write A Case Study Outline?

Publish on 06 Dec 2021

The Term Described “Case Study Solution”

In life and social sciences, a case study is considered as a research method in which we go in deep depth of that case to study, examine, and exploring for a particular case. A case study can also be described as research on a particular stance, individual, or for the community over a set period of time. For example, narrate the real situation of various products and services to describe their value. A well-written case study elaborates about the customer’s problem, its solution, implement the rules, and get the benefits.

Types Of Case Study Solution

No matter what sort of case study are you writing, it is fundamental to make a case study outline. The case study has several subdivisions; each of them is selected on their objectives and goal. Some case study types are mentioned below:

  1. Illustrative case study
    They consider two events at a time and analyze what a situation looks like in them. Illustrative type provides familiarity about the event and also gives language about the concerned topic to the reader. Its one of the important types of case study.
  2. Exploratory case study
    We have done an exploratory case study for a large-scale investigation. The main aim of this type is to identify questions on the related topic and confirm the type of measurement before doing an investigation on that.
  3. Cumulative case study
    In this type, we make aggregates about the data that we have gathered from man sites at different times. This reflects the previous views of the study on that particular topic and also provides availability to add more repetitive studies without any cost addition in this.
  4. Critical case study
    This includes the examination of more than one site topics and also examines the unique interest or not interesting topic.

Case Study Topics

There is a wide-ranged of case study topics but here we are providing some glimpse of those cases that are described below:

  • Coffee
  • Cadbury
  • New CR metrics
  • State street real options
  • IBM corporate services crop
  • Art financial
  • Design at mayo
  • Netflix
  • American greetings
  • Children’s premier
  • Search fund structure
  • Business leadership in south

Benefits And Limitations Of A Case Study Solution


  • In a case study, you collect a lot of data on that topic which is not gathered in any other research designs and that data also contains deep-depth to a particular case, individual, and community.
  • A case study is a limited research method that is only allowed in those cases in which a lot of data collected on the same participants or research topic.
  • Scientific research can also be done in the case study.
  • The case study conclusion can also be used in experiments that produce a novel thesis that can be tested later.


  • A lot of data collection is not enough for large populations
  • Case study topics are not generalized that’s why they cannot be used in scientific research
  • Only one person gathered the data that create biases in the data
  • It’s difficult to outline a definite case study
Limitations Of A Case Study Solution
A Case Study Benefits & Limitation

Importance Of A Case Study Solution

For writing a case study outline, collect qualitative data. In research methods, case study data is considered more complicated and diverse data for academic purposes and is difficult to control. It provides the theories in regular practices and plays a significant role in making a sense of how to understand a specific stance and clarify the case, also consider how long is a case study and must not exceed that limit. Basically, a case study has great importance in business schools, law schools, medical schools, and social sciences. If the case study is applied in the real world it can be used in various disciplines. In order to write a case study, you have to write case study analysis.

It is totally dependent on the case study objective; case study is only beneficial for students then they are in their classrooms. Through this, they can solve problems, generating new ideas, abstracting principles from the case study example. It is effective in the form of stories; the main importance of the case study is defined as:

  • Topic-specific
  • The case study is built on research conclusions
  • Analyze the solution to the problem
  • Give social proof
  • Highly efficient for limited stance
  • Get more experience and results based on conclusions
  • The case study is also very important for establishing the framework of the classroom

How To Write A Case Study Solution?

  • Define the objective of the case study
  • Establish medium
  • Determine the person who does the right case study
  • Contact the person to get permission for them to write their case study
  • Draft your topic outline
  • Ensure you will answer all relevant questions of the case study topic
  • Layout the format of the case study
  • Publish case study and promote it

Format Of A Case Study Solution

Once you collected all related data, then it becomes hectic for a writer how to start writing on that topic and which is the main point on which you give large focus before taking care of your format, make sure you pay significant attention to the case study outline. Here is provided case study format for your assistance:

  • Title
  • Sub-title
  • The subject of the topic
  • Objectives and challenges
  • How to solve the problem
  • Results
  • Visual observations
  • Plans according to that particular topic
  • Implementation of solutions

How To Write A Case Study Solution Analysis?

For writing a case study paper, you have to be familiar with the well-prepared analyses of the case study. Before start writing on a topic reads carefully, because it is assumed that writing a case study solution is simple but this causes a big mistake. You read your topic and its related data several times, through this procedure you can also get the answers and find a solution that is hidden in the particular topic. Get more information about academic writing through our blog section.

Case Study Solution Analysis
A Case Study Solution Analysis

Highlight the main and important points that you think about and write these in passages. Case study analyses have the following steps:

  1. Detect a problem
    This can be clear from the case study example such as McDonald's have to raise a profit stably.
  2. Think about the problems
    Problems can be varying from the incorrect position in the market towards a poorly structured chain.
  3. Outline
    This helps identify the problems.
  4. Analyze/examine the topic
    Try to explain all questions that were raised from the topics, and find out the reasons behind them in your case outline.
  5. Formulate solutions that based on concerned problems
    Try to think about the possible solutions related to the problems, and eradicate the negative aspects and actions from your solutions

Don’t panic when you see that your solutions are not as much affected, you have a lot of work on it so you think you produced the best solutions to the problems. Think big and try to overcome your fear and do creative things.

Main Steps That Involved How To Write A Case Study Paper

We get to know the vital steps on how to write a case study paper, case study involved the following steps:

  • Introduction
    Summarize the research topic and describe all relevant detail on it, provide key problems that are concerned with the topic and give a thesis statement in only one to two lines.
  • Information about sub-title
    Provide some facts and issues, and conduct the research
  • Alternatives
    Provide alternatives, and also define some related issues for that some case studies were rejected
  • Solution
    Provide authentic and reliable solutions; define all the reasons why you provide that solution and what’s its importance and how it solves out the problem in this section. Support your solutions with strong arguments and evidence to the result of the research topic.
  • Conclusions
    Define specific strategies to provide possible solutions and also define plans based on proposed solutions

To finalize your paper you have to focus on the following points to get maximum benefits and make high of your moral. The following points help write a case study paper.

  • Read the text
  • Revisions on your write up
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Check flow and consistency
  • Provide a concise and clear thesis statement
  • Check either you provide the details relevant to the topic or not
  • The note is there is any missing component in analyses
  • Check the style and format of your paper for fantastic and realistic work.

How To Write A Case Study Solution Assignment?

Life in schools and colleges is full of responsibilities and complete their homework and assignments in proper time. Assignments writing make a student set a goal and broaden their mind though they can perform better in academic life. When it comes to writing a case study, some students think it is a difficult task. No, it’s not a big task for students and it can be achievable through the proper guide and hard work. Case study outline is as necessary as case study format.

Some case study topics will become a headache for some students and some do very better work, to start writing on case study assignments you have adequate knowledge and complete examination of that particular case so you can resolve related issues and provide an effective and fantastic recommendation to the case. For this, you ensure that you have all the necessary material and information for case study writing.

  • Select the design according to the type of your case study
    Whatever type you are going to write, make sure you have analyzed the case with full intentions and gathered all relevant material. Related material can be for student’s performance, for companies, for nurses, and maybe for other persons. After getting complete information you become able to write on a specific case study.
  • Chose the topic according to your taste
    This step is crucial for the writer, you become an angel when you chose a topic and that is also worthy. This will help you out in further research and provide you the assistance to gather relevant data and information for the write-up. Always start from a broader topic and then narrow it down as you write on it to describe in a meaningful full way. You can use books, research papers, journals, magazines, and internet sources to collect information and knowledge about cases study.
  • Literature review on your related case study topic
    You have to go to your teacher, library, and various websites for guidance; you read different articles on your case study topic and write main points from them. And you also get to the situations and understand how to write case study assignments. This will also help you out with which type of material you are needed and how to solve an existing problem. You generate an idea and formulate a network to use that you become a gem.
  • Preparing for the interview
    Chose the participants you think have enough knowledge about the case and provide you all the necessary information and you will also get the main point from their questions and answers. From them, you ad examples that you have heard from them and add references. This kind of activity explore your mind to different things and makes stronger your examinations and arguments so you can solve the case study problem.
  • How to conduct an interview, draft all questions on a piece of paper for your assistance
    It all depends on you what type of interview you are going to conduct, are you conducting one on one interview, interview with various persons and a group discussion? Sometimes due to some reasons, you have to conduct an email interview to collect ideas and information. And answers all the questions one by one from your contestants so it’s easy for you and to the next person for whom you have conducted the interview, take their opinions and write their ideas and opinions on a paper for remembrance so when you write it on a paper so do not forget any point.
  • Interview with the experts
    Set your interview to those who have extraordinary information and are experts in the field on which you are going to research. Make all the questions appropriate and don’t write controversial questions and statements in your case study that lower down your efficiency.
  • Data collection
    Collect all your findings and concentrate on the most important topics and put the opinions and information so that you have selected while doing interviews.

Several Steps Are Required In Case Study Solution Writing

You have clarity on all points about the case study, its different types, and the know-how to gather specific information on a particular case study. Now it’s time to take a pen and start writing on a piece of paper, to describe all related information about the topic on the paper. While writing a case study assignment, you required four sections on which you formulate conclusions and solutions.


Start an introduction with a special quote and opinion that you get from the interviewer. And provide an abstract of the topic in the introduction, and write all questions which you are going to justify in a further paper.at the end of the introduction, write a thesis statement in only one to two sentences. A thesis statement is basically a conclusion from your side for the topic and from this statement, readers decide either he/she go towards further paper or not.

Presentation of Related data

Present all relevant data in a better way so everyone easily understands and readers find out what they want to search for the point. Write all the data in a clear and concise way.

Formulate all solutions

While writing a case study, provide all possible solutions and opinions in this section, even though if you are not able to solve the case study itself. Let the readers attain the points which they are searching for and get to know all possible solutions to your case study. Also, generate some questions in your conclusion for future research it will make a strong and flawless impact on the readers. Conclude the topic with a concluding sentence so everyone gets to know it’s the end of the case study.

Formulate all solutions
A Case Study Solution Formulate

Add references

In academic essay writing, you need to know the authentic sources, add references in your text or paper enhance the credibility of the paper. After adding reference readers get to know the exact information and full understanding of the topic. For a good case study, you make your case study in a simple and presentable way so it is not creating any difficulty and makes easily understand for the reader to the know-how of your remarkable work.

After writing your case study, you will notice about the material what is relevant and what is extra data and text and remove that in the case study to make it more valuable and effective. You can make additions on that basis and delete not unnecessary details that are not suiting for your case topic. For a better case study, you have to read many times after write up to remove all mistakes and errors to make it more credible and authentic.

At the end of any write up or case study conclusion always do proofreading and editing of your paper. Correct all spelling, grammar mistakes, and punctuation errors. Also, keep an eye on the text and remove all errors and omissions to make it wrathful and impressive. It is also clear from the well-known proverb that is the first impression is the last impression.

Well, you know all about the case outline it’s all aspects and related topics in a better and understanding way. Now, you can write on case study topics, papers, assignments, and work efficiently on it. It is not helpful in your exams but also helpful in your future life when you face many situations like a case study and resolve all concerning problems efficiently and in a better way.

So, your time starts now, select a topic on your own on the case study, and begin to write on it or if you are short on time, contact us and hire our professional academic writing services for higher grades. 

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