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How To Write A Research Proposal? Comprehensive Guide

Publish on 06 Dec 2021

What Is A Research Proposal?  

A research proposal can be defined as a concise and precise summary of a research paper. The basic idea of writing a research paper is to highlight the main question and issues which a person wants to discuss.  

If you want to write a dissertation proposal, you have to do a lot of research on your topic to find relevant answers for all of your questions and issues. A research proposal is a document that will give you an idea of how to conduct your research and how to present your ideas in a significant form.

Research Proposal Outline  

No matter what kind of research paper you are writing, you need to follow a certain pattern to get full marks in your research proposal. Most students don't know how to write a research proposal, and they gather all the information in a single file without following all the instructions and the guidelines of writing a research proposal.

A research proposal should have a very clear outline so that the reader can easily get an idea about the main theme of your paper. If you really want to write an error-free research project, it will be necessary to write a proposal at first, and the success of your research project depends mainly on your research proposal.

A research proposal outline is as necessary as any other section of a research proposal because only the papers with a concise and clear outline are accepted worldwide.

Research Proposal Format  

In order to write a flawless research paper, you need to follow the pattern and the format given to you by your university professors, and the significance of your research proposal depends a lot on your proposal's format. It doesn't matter what kind of research proposal you are writing; it should have the following format:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Research Methodology
  • Result
  • Discussion
  • Citation

How to Write a Research Proposal?

Now you must have understood the basic outline of a research proposal, and now we will let you know how to write a flawless research proposal to impress your readers.  


A research proposal without a proper title cannot be accepted anywhere in the world. So, whenever you are writing a research proposal for your research project, make sure you include a concise and clear topic of your research. A title is the very first thing every reader reads in your research proposal, and it has to be very eye-catching and engaging. Always keep in mind that the title is the main thing that will attract your readers, and that will make your readers read your research proposal.

It is suggested to write a title that will give an idea to the readers that what can be expected in this research proposal. Your research should have Independent and dependent variables, and your title should indicate the relationship between those variables. We recommend you not to write very general titles. Rather than writing some general title, make sure you write concise and very well-defined titles for your research proposal.


Most readers don't have enough time to read an entire research proposal, and those readers prefer reading the Abstract of a research proposal. You can consider the Abstract of your research paper as a summary of your paper, and it should not exceed 100 to 250 words.  

A perfect abstract should have a research question along with the hypothesis of your research, and if you want to make it look very engaging, you can add methodology and findings in your research proposals abstract too. An abstract is one of the most important components of a research proposal.  


An introduction is the first chapter of your research proposal, and it has to be flawless by all the possible means so that it can make your readers read your proposal. When you are writing an introduction to your proposal, make sure you give all the possible background information regarding your research problem. It is also recommended to frame the research question when you are writing a research proposal.  

No matter what kind of research proposal you are writing, your proposal will always revolve around your main Research question. This is the reason we always recommend students to write very concise and well-defined research questions because if you choose a very ordinary and general research question, then your research proposal will seem very insignificant and non-specific.  

The introduction of your research proposal should start with a very general statement so that the reader can understand what you are about to say. If you want to make a mark with your introduction, make sure you write the main purpose of your research and include the background information of your research question. The issue you are about to discuss has to be elaborated in your introduction section to increase the interest of your readers. A flawless research proposal should have a hypothesis, and you are supposed to write your hypothesis in your introduction section.

Literature Review

There are two kinds of research proposals; the first type of research proposal allows the writer to add a literature review in the introduction section, whereas the second type of research proposal should have a separate literature review section. We recommend you to write a separate chapter for your literature review because this way, you will be able to explain your topic in a better way.  

A literature review is very necessary for any research proposal because, on the basis of your literature review, you will be able to construct a clear research question. Your literature review will also give you an idea about the previous research that is available on your research question, and you will be able to compare your results with previously available results. One of the basic purposes of writing a literature review is to convince The Reader that how important the issue is and how critical your contribution can be for the topic.  

A literature review is one of the most important chapters of a research proposal, but students often take this chapter for granted, and this is one of the main reasons for the failure of a research proposal. There are some common mistakes that are present in the research proposal's review, and we recommend you not to have those mistakes.  

  • Lack of organization
  • Improper structure
  • Topic not entirely covered in the literature review
  • False or wrong citations

If you really want to write a literature review that can impress your professor, as well as your readers, make sure you add a subheading to maintain a flow of your content. There is no doubt about it that a literature review is a very boring chapter, and if you don't include subheadings in your literature, it is possible that The Reader may not read your review section at all. Try to make your literature review section as engaging as possible, and The Reader should not feel bored by reading your literature review.

Significance of the Research

A research proposal with significant results gets appreciation from the readers, and make sure to present your research in a significant fashion. It is your duty to tell the world how your research has proved to be beneficial against your topic. Even if you have managed to contribute in a very narrow sense, you should state in your research proposal, and it will increase the significance of your research.

Research Methodology  

The research methodology is one of the most important chapters of a research proposal because here, you will tell the world how you have conducted your research to get to your desired results. If you have used a specific method that has helped you conducting your research in a better manner, make sure to let the world know that how a specific method has helped you conduct your research and attain your research goal. Consider your research methodology chapter as an organized plan of your research to convince The Reader that you have conducted very significant research.

When you are writing a methodology chapter for your research proposal, always include very relevant and specific information, and it should not have a relevant piece of information. Your methodology chapter should have other writers to write their research proposals. If you are a student of science, medicine, or psychology, you can use quantitative research methods because quantitative research methods are better to describe the collection and analysis of statistical data. You can also use qualitative research if your research has theoretical data. There are also some studies where a student has both statistical and theoretical data, and if you have such a scenario, make sure you discuss with your professor to seek guidance.

A qualitative research method is more elaborated as compared to quantitative research. When you are writing a methodology chapter for your research proposal, you also need to write why you have to choose quantitative or qualitative research. The use of a particular research method depends on the design of your research, and the sample size also plays a very critical role in deciding whether you should go with qualitative research methods or quantitative.  

All the instruments you have used to conduct your research must be explained briefly in your methodology chapter. The success of your research proposal depends a lot on your methodology chapter because this chapter is all about how you have conducted your research, and people often breathe methodology chapter to get an idea about the significance of the research.

Research Objectives

It is mandatory to add research objectives in your research proposal, and a research proposal without objectives cannot be accepted worldwide. It is recommended to write the research objectives in a very clear and straightforward manner. The reader should understand the aims and objectives of your research.  

If you have found any kind of gap in your pic while carrying your research, make sure to let the world know about the gap and how you have constructed your objectives keeping in mind that gap.

Ethical Considerations  

Ethical considerations matter a lot when you are writing a research proposal for your research. It is a very critical part of your research proposal outline. As a research proposal writer, you need to be very careful about the method you are using to collect your data, and you have to keep in mind the rights of your participants.

You are allowed to use any kind of method to conduct your research as long as the methods are not harmful to your subjects. If you are conducting your research on a human, then you will be required to make them fill a consent form.

Last but not least, you should provide full confidentiality to your subject, and you should not share the personal details and data of those participants with anyone in the world. It is your duty to make them comfortable sharing their personal details with you if you want to write a perfect research proposal.


The result chapter is ultimately the most important chapter of your research proposal, and everybody will read that chapter to get an idea about the significance of your research. Make sure you add as many significant reasons in your research proposal as you can, and your research should be in line with the hypothesis you have made at the start of your research. The way you have analyzed your research question must be explained briefly in your result section.


When you are done writing the results of your research, It's time to discuss those results and highlight the reasons why you have chosen a prospective topic. You should not exaggerate the significance of your topic and make sure not to include any false information just to make your results look significant. Every research has certain limitations, and as a research proposal writer, you have to write the limitations of your research at the last of your discussion chapter.


Citation is something students often take for granted, but it's one of the many reasons that can make professors reject your research proposal. A perfect research proposal has to be free from any kind of plagiarism, and to tackle plagiarism; you have to include a correct citation in your research proposal. There are two significant ways of giving citations in your research proposal, and those methods are references and Bibliography. If you want to use a reference method, then you have to list the literature you have used in your research proposal. On the other hand, if you want to go with a bibliographic, you have to list everything you have studied, either you have cited that in your research proposal or not.  

Remember one thing you have to follow the pattern you have given to you by your University as far as the citation is concerned because there are so many citation methods are available, and some of them are APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard methods. Consult our blog section for even more detailed information on academic writing. 

The Perfect Strategy to Maximize Acceptance of the Research Proposal

It is very difficult to write a flawless and engaging research proposal because students often don’t know how to write a research proposal outline, and there is no student in the world who wants to face rejection in terms of the research proposal. A writing style matters a lot when we talk about the acceptance of a research proposal, and the writing style will also decide the fate of your proposal.  

It is recommended not to use informal vocabulary for overused idioms in your research proposal if you want to get acceptance. Usually, research proposals with grammatical and spelling errors are at Stake of rejection, and it is the reason we always recommend students to proofread the research proposal after writing it.  

If you don't know how to proofread your research proposal, you can get assistance from one of your mates who is very good at English and grammatical sentences.  


No matter how brilliantly you have written a research proposal, if you don't proofread it completely with full dedication, chances will always be there that your proposal may be rejected. There are so many online tools available to proofread a research proposal, and if you are not confident that you will be able to point out all the mistakes and grammatical errors, you can get assistance from those online tools to make sure your submitted proposal is free of errors and spelling mistakes.

Let Essaypandas help you in writing your research proposal

If you don't know how to write a research proposal or how to write a research proposal outline, there is nothing to worry about because Essay Pandas will help you write a research proposal. We have got expert research proposal writers who have so many research proposals templates, and they have been writing those proposals for the last couple of years. Spare a moment to know more about us.

All you have to do is place your order on our website and give us all the necessary instructions and guidelines to complete your research proposal and then our Ph.D. Scholars will write your proposal keeping in mind one of your instructions and guidelines. We have helped students secured their grades and accept their research proposals without any kind of hassle, and if you want to make a mark with your research proposal, you can place your order on our website right now. Contact us now!

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